Herring Salad (with White Fish Salad Variation)
Herring Salad (with White Fish Salad Variation)
minutesThis is a delicious spin on a classic Jewish favourite. Could the powers that be at your local shul be persuaded to to do a little more than take herring out of a jar, and make this delicious and nutritionally sound herring salad?
Don’t hesitate to make this herring salad the day before you serve it: It will only get better!
On dairy days, use plain whole-milk yogurt instead of olive oil.
In this case, adjust the seasonings with a good pinch of sugar to offset the tanginess of the yogurt.
1 quart jar pickled herring, drained, 1/3 cup of the brine reserved
2 large potatoes, boiled and diced small
2 granny smith apples, skin on, diced small
3 ribs celery, peeled and sliced
1/2 small red onion, minced
1/2 cup olive oil
Ground pepper to taste
- Dice the herring small. If you find some sliced onions in the jar, leave them in as well. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Serve at room temperature, as is on good whole grain bread, on a bed of shredded lettuce.
- Variation:
– Smoked White Fish Apple Potato Salad. 4 cups store-brought white fish salad. No brine, no olive oil. Everything else just as above.